Friday, 16 December 2016

08/12/16 Lesson Analysis

In this rehearsal we carried on running act 1 with my cast. Considering how the last rehearsal went in terms of lack of energy and a negative vibe, I decided to come into lesson with a  positive attitude and high energy so that we could start the rehearsal in an energised way which effected our start of rehearsal in a positive way.

To warm up we started an improvisation game, which brought everyone's energy levels up which is important because we have to work together throughout the whole show, and high energy will help everyone with team work, and focus. It also put everyone in a positive mood which is also important for our perseverance with each other, and I think that this is important because it means that everyone will put more effort into team work. The idea of the game was to create a scenario, and start with one person, and slowly everyone joins by individually shouting 'freeze' and joining the scene but changing scenarios, and everyone on stage had to go along with it, which also brought out creativeness which could help in terms of contribution of ideas to rehearsals ad contributed to different characterisations. Below are some photos of the improvisation:

After the improvisation warm up, we started to focus as we continued act 1 with my cast. As I had completed all of my scenes from act one in the last rehearsal, I took the time I had to work on my off cast character and started guiding the ensemble numbers with different ideas and helping people with the blocking if they were unsure. For example in the last scene with the bohemians, when Khashoggi gets the police to attack the bohemians in a fight, I was reminding everyone on some things that were forgotten, like the blocking and where to stand, and I also helped people for ideas of movements for the fight scene. 

After we completed act 1 with my cast, I felt that my energy had dropped because of the fact that I wasn't too active because I didn't have an upcoming scene in the rest of act 1. I feel that this was unprofessional because if I lost energy from not doing anything it could have effected the rest of the cast when we were to start again, however I soon started to focus and prepare for my off cast character. 

We then aimed to run through act 1 with the other cast, so that both casts were familiar with act 1. This meant that I could work on my cues for my off cast character, which I feel is important because it meant that we could work fast but also so that I could support the rest of the cast and notify others when our cues are for our off cast characters, and this worked effectively because everyone was ready at the right times and we could prepare together and remind each other the blocking. 

Overall I found this rehearsal useful because I was able to work with my off cast character and I learnt to support others in the class as an ensemble and saw the positive effects on helping the rest of the cast and how it benefited the rehearsal overall. 

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