Tuesday, 28 February 2017

So Sing Rehearsals

In the first So Sing rehearsal, we started the rehearsal by splitting into smaller groups to work on different songs. I felt that this was helpful because it allowed me to work on the song I was least comfortable with, which was 'tears dry on their own'. It also helped because the other people in my smaller group weren't confident with the song either, so we all listened to the song over and over, until we grasped the basic tune of the verse and chorus, and then started to learn the lyrics together. I felt that I picked up the melody of the song quickly, and helped the rest of the group by encouraging them to start the song again everytime we got a bit wrong, so that it stays in our heads. I personally found it difficult to pick up the lyrics, and Jade also found this difficult so we both thought of a solution together and created small movements to resemble the lyrics, and we taught it to our group, so that we could all remember the lyrics and timing with each other and the music. I feel as though I was able to pick the songs up quickly and therefore I was able to guide my harmony groups in what they were doing. This was because I made sure that I knew the songs we were given before rehearsals, to make sure we could work quickly and effectively and to ensure that we got a lot done. Due to the fact that I picked up the songs a lot quicker than everyone else, I felt that I soon became distracting to others which is unprofessional, and also I think that focus in rehearsal is a key ensemble skill because I would have to make sure that everyone can focus on what they are doing to ensure that everyone is happy, positive and confident. I was able to realise eventually that I was becoming a distraction, and therefore I started to focus and work on the rest of the songs. It was then suggested that as I was louder in the group in terms of singing, that I stand with other people to guide them with the trickier parts of the songs, and this worked effectively because the songs started to sound natural and even throughout the group. To improve for future rehearsals I would like to work on redirecting my high levels of energy into helping others, as oppose to distracting them to ensure that we are all working collectively as an ensemble and I feel that supporting others by helping them understand the songs better will allow me to achieve this ensemble skill.

For the second So Sing rehearsal, I feel as though my energy was low, which had a negative effect on the rest of the group. I am aware that this was unprofessional, and this isn't good for working as an ensemble. Whilst I was still able to sing through the songs with the group, I feel as though I wasn't giving the rehearsal my maximum amount of effort, which brought the rest of the group down, as oppose to putting it in which potentially could help the group, and bring all energy up. I think that this was particularly effecting to the group because a few people rely on me for the cues for when we split two songs, and if I am given that responsibility by the group then it is upon me to ensure that I am working with the ensemble as oppose to against them. I soon realised this and brought my energy up to support others, and like I said the lesson before, I wanted to redirect my energy into helping the group as oppose to distracting them, and therefore this is what I am going to work on for the next rehearsal. To do this I am going to come to rehearsal with a positive attitude so that I effect the group in a positive way and continue to contribute ideas.

The final So Sing rehearsal was particularly good for me, because I was able to start and finish the rehearsal with a positive attitude, and helped others with cues and parts of the songs. An example of this is when we split 'Tears Dry On Their Own', and a few of us sing 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough'. I am one of the singers who splits into 'Ain't no mountain high enough' and therefore the rest of the group rely on me to start this cue line for the split. To support my group with the cue I created a subtle hand movement with Jade, who also knew when she was to start singing, and everyone else then felt confident with when they were coming in. In the beginning of the performance, we sing 'Human' by Rag n Bone man, and to start we all hum as a group in tune. This carries on for two verses and only stops in the choruses and when we change songs, and therefore I think it is important to carry the energy throughout the song. When rehearsing it I noticed that the energy dropped significantly and started to sound as though we were bored which made the piece sound boring when it shouldn't, and therefore I took it upon myself to notify the group of this concern so that we could work on it together. I think that it was effective that I did say this, because it brought the energy levels up and everyone listened to each other more. I think that as an ensemble we need to listen to each other to make sure that we are in time with each other and the music, to make the overall piece more appealing to the audience. We started to look into movement for the piece. For Human we had simple movements, which was using our heels as a beat to start the song and simply moving our bodies heavily in the direction of our leg that was moving. This created a rough look for the song which is what the song sounds like as well. For 'Tears Dry On Their Own', myself and Jade suggested our movements that we choreographed the lesson before, to help us learn the lyrics and we adapted them to make them more subtle and less forced by the lyrics. For the rest of the songs we would improvise and talk about what movements worked best and made mutual group decisions.

Overall I am happy with the rehearsal process for So Sing. This is because i think that throughout these rehearsals I have improved my approach and attitude to working as an ensemble and improved how I can help others, with subsequently helps myself as well.

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